Bass Trombone
Oberlin College, BM; San Francisco Conservatory of Music, MM
Joined the Symphony:
Other orchestras/ensembles/festivals you have or currently play with:
Opera San Jose, former member of Stockton Symphony and Opera Cleveland
Most memorable musical experience:
Toss up between the first time I got to sub with San Francisco Symphony & when SSJ did the whole movie with live orchestra for Star Wars, I grew up watching that movie 10+ times a year.
If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing:
Probably a job in the trades, I love working with my hands and being self reliant.
Raising our brand new twin identical girls! Otherwise I can be found working on my 1971 VW Super Beetle, building furniture, fishing & camping, or taking a well deserved nap.
Favorite vacation spot:
Europe! We honeymooned all over France, and are excited to go back and explore other parts of Europe. I really want to get to Italy, Scotland and Ireland.
What three things can always be found in your refrigerator:
Milk, salad greens, homemade egg salad
If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be:
Life is gonna be okay bud.
Do you have a “bucket list” piece of orchestral music that you have yet to play:
Mahler 2 & 8, Janocek’s Tarus Bulba, Brucker 4, 7 & 8