Musicians Bios – Jill Cohen




BA in performance from the Cleveland Institute of Music

Joined the Symphony:


Other orchestras/ensembles/festivals you have or currently play with:

Teatro Reggio opera Orchestra Gruppo d’Archi di Torino Canton (Ohio) Orchestras Monterey Symphony Santa Cruz Symphony Women’s Philharmonic San Jose Symphony

Most memorable musical experience:

Playing with the Woman’s Philharmonic at the Kennedy Center for the Nation Conference of Women. It was a full program and we had to play the Juba Dance from Florence Price’s Second Symphony for an encore 3 times.

If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing:

I would be a pastry chef


Reading, baking, and hiking

Favorite vacation spot:

Swiss Alps

What three things can always be found in your refrigerator:

Sourdough starter, more sourdough starter, and yet another sourdough starter

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be:

Practice more!

Do you have a “bucket list” piece of orchestral music that you have yet to play:

I’ve been lucky enough to play everything I’ve ever wanted to play, and much, much more.

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