Violin / Section Violin I
The Juilliard School and Aspen Music Festival (music training) / Princeton University (BA in Music Theory & Composition with minors in Environmental Studies, Musical Performance, and Japanese)
Joined the Symphony:
Other orchestras/ensembles/festivals you have or currently play with:
Currently a tenured member of Santa Cruz Symphony (Acting Associate Concertmaster 2021-24) and plays regularly with Opera San Jose and San Jose Chamber Orchestra. Previously performed with groups such as Oregon Symphony, Opera New Jersey, and Princeton Symphony.
Most memorable musical experience:
Mahler Symphony No. 9 with conductor David Zinman at the Aspen Music Festival Orchestra (in the 90’s!)
If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing:
Working with dogs and puppies
Cleaning (seriously)
Favorite vacation spot:
What’s a vacation? 😉 I’d like to visit Australia/New Zealand one day…
What three things can always be found in your refrigerator:
Soy milk, yogurt, and frozen kale
If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be:
See the bigger picture and not worry too much about every little detail!
Do you have a “bucket list” piece of orchestral music that you have yet to play:
Messiaen’s Turangalila-Symphonie which uses ondes martenot, an instrument we rarely see or hear