Principal Tuba
The school of Hard Knocks.
Joined the Symphony:
Other orchestras/ensembles/festivals you have or currently play with:
SF Symphony, SF Ballet, SF Opera, Oakland, San Diego, Modesto, Monterey, Opera SJ, SJ Ballet
Most memorable musical experience:
Solo tour of Japan in the 1987
If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing:
Pitching for the Yankees
Senior Softball, Motorcycle riding, model trains, chess, camping
Favorite vacation spot:
My back yard
What three things can always be found in your refrigerator:
Butter, cream, steak
If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be:
Practice harder
Do you have a “bucket list” piece of orchestral music that you have yet to play:
Prokofiev sixth Symphony (everyone always the 5th)